Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
By giving positive experiences and having high aspirations for all children, The Woodlands Primary offers an academic and therapeutic curriculum that supports learners to develop the skills and knowledge, resilience and characteristics or success in reintegration and moving on to their next steps. Children are with us for varying amounts of time and therefore our curriculum needs to be flexible, accessible and designed to enable children to progress positively on their educational journey. Our aim is to provide a curriculum that allows children to show what they are capable of, in a nurturing environment.
Our curriculum is designed to:
- Re engage children in education
- Support the academic and social and emotional development of all children
- Deliver personalised learning for all children
- Be broad and balanced, to develop the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for future learning
- Focus on developing children’s emotional wellbeing and mental health
- Provide a range of opportunities for children to learn outside the classroom
- Enable children to make progress from their individual starting points
- Focus on developing sound basic skills in reading, writing and maths
- Focus on developing an awareness and understanding of PSHE, including RSE and preparation for next steps
Curriculum Implementation
It is essential that our children are regulated and able to engage with their learning. To prepare for this we follow Thrive ethos, utilising Zones of Regulation and a sensory approach through Future Steps. Rewards are visual and personalised to enable our students to be as engaged as possible.
Our curriculum is inclusive and is designed for all learners, including SEND. Our curriculum ensures that every child gains core knowledge and a good understanding of Reading, Literacy and Numeracy to enable success in next steps. Reading is prioritised daily. The core curriculum is enhanced with topic based learning which sequences key knowledge across Primary. Our curriculum ensures that children know more and remember more through core themes and repetition.
Enrichment and enhancement of the curriculum are offered through a wide range of experiences in and out of school, including Forest Schools, visits and visitors.
Curriculum Impact
Children are prepared for their next steps in education and life. They have increased resilience and are respectful and tolerant towards others. Children are able to communicate their feelings, their ideas and their opinions with confidence and understanding.
Children have encountered a wide range of experiences from the curriculum offer; through this they know more and are able to remember more.
Through assessment and regular reviews pupil progress is evident, children are more resilient and are prepared for reintegration or next steps.
Curriculum overviews for The Beeches:
Curriculum overviews for The Willows: