Team-Teach Aims and Course Objectives
- To promote the least intrusive positive handling strategy and a continuum of gradual and graded techniques, with an emphasis and preference for the use of verbal, non-verbal de-escalation strategies being used and exhausted before positive handling strategies are utilised
- To enable services develop acceptable and authorised responses to disruptive, disturbing, angry and aggressive behaviours in a manner that maintains positive relationships and provides safety for all, by training in Team-Teach
- To reduce the amount of serious incidents involving physical controls in all settings and to emphasise the importance of exhausting behaviour management strategies in the first instance
- To increase the awareness of staff concerning the importance of recording and reporting, monitoring and evaluating, all incidents involving positive handling
- To provide a process of repair and reflection for both staff and children
Core Course Objectives
Following successful completion of a Team-Teach Practitioners Course participants will:
- Be able to state the basic values, rationale and principles of the Team-Teach Approach
- Have knowledge and understanding of relevant legal standards and expectations related to use of force
- Have knowledge and understanding of the reporting, recording, monitoring and evaluating requirements of incidents involving physical controls and reasonable force
- Have knowledge and understanding of aggression and conflict, being able to recognise typical signs and causes
- Have knowledge and understanding of the importance of using de-escalation strategies where possible. Is aware of the concept of the conflict spiral, levels of behaviour and the need for an appropriate staff response in order to maximise the opportunity to calm the incident through non- verbal and verbal strategies where possible
- Have knowledge and understanding of a whole setting holistic approach to behaviour management, including the importance of self-awareness and self-control whilst managing challenging behaviour
For further information, please contact:
Mr Andrew Curry – Team Teach Co-ordinator
The Woodlands
Broom Road
Co. Durham
DL17 8AN
email:<br /> telephone: 01740 656040