Exam Preparation
Preparing for exams can be a daunting task for young people but, as it will considerably improve their chances of success, it is worth considering long before exams are approaching. With the right strategies in place and appropriate support at home and in school, pupils can develop a series of good habits that will make studying and dealing with exams much easier.
To help with preparing and planning for exams, we have provided information about what exam preparation should consist.
Exam guidance
It is the aim of The Woodlands to make the examination experience as stress-free and successful as possible for all candidates.
Hopefully, the following information will prove informative and helpful. Please read it carefully as it deals with examination regulations and the procedures to follow in the event of any problems occurring.
The awarding bodies set down strict criteria which must be followed for the conduct of examinations and
The Woodlands is required to follow them precisely. You should therefore, pay particular attention to the Notice to Candidates.
Remember – we are here to help.
Exam Support
We are committed as a school to providing as many opportunities as possible to facilitate our pupils’ success in exams. Extra revision sessions after school, and sometimes at weekends, are available in all subjects before the summer exams.
Revision books can be bought for all subjects, many via the school to ensure pupils buy the right one for their exam board.
Pupils with special requirements will have been assessed before the exams and all necessary arrangements will be in place.
If you have any queries or need help or advice at any time, before, during or after the Examinations, please contact either your child’s mentor or the Exams Officer.
Remember we are here to help.