The EHN Team provides high quality education for pupils who are unable to attend school for a period of time due to health needs
The Orchard is the EHNT’s long-term provision for KS4 pupils. It is recognised that for a small number of pupils, reintegration is neither appropriate nor realistic. Referrals to The Orchard are made through an internal panel composed of CAMHS, EHNT staff and representatives from the referring school. At The Orchard, students will:
- Have a full-time academic offer, with a strong curriculum focus on English, Maths, Science and PHSE.
- Choose from a range of options subjects to enhance their academic attainment.
- Be immersed in an enrichment programme, exploring Cultural Capital, Post-16 Pathways and Outdoor Education.
- Have access to on-site CAMHS clinicians to develop their emotional well-being and mental health.
- Develop their social interactions by building relationships with peers and adults.
- Prepare for their next steps and secure meaningful and relevant post-16 destinations by receiving careers information, advice and guidance.
- Achieve their academic potential in a nurturing environment that supports their emotional well-being.
Our offer for Young Pregnant Pupils offers core curriculum subjects in a group setting from approximately 20 weeks into pregnancy until the baby is 16 weeks old. The specialist staff also offer support in relation to pregnancy and postnatal care.
- To deliver Maths, English and Science
- To deliver support and information regarding pre-natal and post-natal support
- To support pupils mental health and emotional wellbeing
- To prepare and support the pupil’s reintegration to mainstream school/readiness for next steps
PINES – Pupils In Need of Educational Support
Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 pupils who have severe anxiety, mental health concerns and medical diagnosis, which causes a barrier to their learning, can access their education for a short term intervention with a supported reintegration to school.
- Re engage pupils in education in a nurturing environment
- To develop emotional and academic resilience and have a positive experience of education
- To develop pupils’ social interactions and to support the building of relationships with peers and adults
- Have a strong curriculum focus on delivering the core subjects of Maths, English and Science, PHSE and RSE
- Offer a broader curriculum of Outdoor Education and a range of option subjects
- Prepare and support pupil’s to complete academic examinations
- Focus on developing pupils’ emotional wellbeing and mental health
- Provide Careers Information Advice and Guidance to secure meaningful and relevant post 16 destinations
- Prepare pupils for their next steps in education
1:1 Intervention
- Re engage pupils in education in an environment that they feel safe and secure
- To develop emotional and academic resilience and have a positive experience of education
- To develop pupil’s social interactions and to support building relationships
- Have a curriculum focus on delivering the core subjects Math, English and Science, PHSE and RSE
- Support the pupil to transition back to their mainstream
Reading and Phonics
In the EHN provision, pupils reading abilities are assessed through the NGRT testing program, which provides detailed reports on their reading strengths and weaknesses. These insights enable teachers to tailor interventions and adapt teaching strategies, ensuring that all staff members, regardless of their subject specialisation, understand the implications for teaching reading. The emphasis on reading as a shared responsibility across the curriculum is further supported by continuous professional development from ‘That Reading Thing,’ alongside resources from the Abigail Steel phonics program.
Curriculum overviews EHN
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Short Course RE
- Sport
- GCSE Geography
- KS3 Humanities
- GCSE Psychology
- History